Why I Announced My Pregnancy Before the Traditional 12 Week Period

Why I Announced My Pregnancy Before the Traditional 12 Week Period
Traditionally, many women wait till after the 12-week period of being pregnant to announce their pregnancy for many reasons. The reason that is displayed the most is a factor from studies showing that during the first trimester 25% of women miscarry. Although this is the case, I have publicly announced my pregnancy at just 5 weeks. Throughout this blog post, I will tell you why. For one, I am no traditional woman AT ALL. My perspective regarding the ways of life is far-fetched from "traditional". I won't stay quiet because others tell me to or choose to do so. I also do not conform to societal norms that result from perceptions of "the right way to do it", reoccurring judgements or an avoidance of vulnerability. I live my journey the way it is meant for me. My individualistic way of living and current personal perception of life is accumulated through what spirit has uniquely exposed to me. I will never live my journey according to how others may view I should. Secondly, I believe there is beauty to being vulnerable and realistic. Realistically speaking, many women are pregnant before the 12-week period occurs, pregnancy doesn't just start at 12 weeks. Due to the notion that many women may undergo their most vulnerable state before the 12-week mark I sincerely question why isn't it being shared even more before this time? Shouldn't women come together and share our experiences to help each other out or to just simply relate? Wouldn't it be beneficial in that way? Ultimately, we are all one anyway, so why do so many of us hide our support, advice or even traumatic stories so much? Could it not be beneficial for women to hear of these things at this time the most, especially if they don't have much of a support system in their communities or home? Another reason I am sharing is to simply show some of my journey throughout this pregnancy as it is my first. I have come across so much profound wisdom and knowledge that I genuinely believe could help reduce potential miscarriages and/or simply add beneficially to successful pregnancies. Lastly, I shared my pregnancy at 5 weeks because my business platform is womb wellness related. It is the perfect platform for me to share this experience when it comes to the vision that I have of bringing healing, alignment, and knowledge to help our community of wombmen. I will reiterate these standpoints below.

"...due to the baby in the womb being a part of the mother's body; a mother's thoughts, emotions, and feelings translate into molecules that enter into the body of the fetus."

As I expound upon my beliefs regarding the traditional viewpoints, I want to first say that there is ultimately nothing wrong when it comes to being traditional. I am a huge supporter of different perspectives and I personally admire the passion of others when it comes to their beliefs and stances in life regardless of if it mirrors my own personal beliefs. With that being said, if being traditional works for you and makes you happy, please stand in it boldly and happily! I personally have never liked limiting myself to conform to societal standards and opinions. I believe that most of these traditions, standards, and beliefs are based on others personal foundations derived from their own experiences and man-made systems. We are all limitless beings fully capable of using both the positive and negative experiences of our lifetimes to inspire and encourage others undergoing their obstacles and triumphs. The encouragement and inspiration that we present however shouldn't replicate the same exact thoughts and actions within our counterparts but it should instead help with the production of evolved, individualized thoughts and actions that allow us to excel individually and as a whole. With everyone doing and thinking the same way we might as well all be clones and robots. Although one could project that this very system that we see operating the functions of the world desires just that, we as the complex, divine beings we are shouldn't freely give away our individuality. I can honestly see how the notion that many hide their pregnancy as a tradition due to thoughts of miscarriage is a notion rooted in fear. Faith is imperative when it comes to manifesting what we desire and given that faith is dead without works, action is also extremely important when it comes to decreasing this statistic of miscarriage and fear-based tradition. Did you know that All is Mind? In fact, the combinations of our thoughts and visions truly brings into manifestations the ultimate results we encounter as a unit. Imagine if more women were confident that they'd have successful pregnancies. Imagine if we were confident in having the proper tools and knowledge to carry out a pregnancy to full term! I know that belief, if shared among many, alone could decrease the statistics of miscarriage. As above, so below. What is thought forms into reality. It truly brings awards to think positively! There is even a biblical standpoint of this in terms of Sarah and Abraham, she lacked faith and questioned miracles which resulted in her barren state until she opened her mind up to attract the very thing she wanted most: procreation. Some may view this perspective as unrealistic, but it is very real. The law is the law. There is a law to life. Law of attraction is real. Cause and effect, is real. Balance, is real! Outside of this there are supplements and lifestyle choices that heavily decrease your risks of miscarriage. Taking at least 400 mg of methyfolate every day beginning at least one to two months of conception prevents this if you're planning for pregnancy. This supplement still helps you throughout pregnancy as well if you are already pregnant. For those with a history of miscarriages, there has also been a recent release of findings that progesterone, a natural hormone known to help grow the lining of the womb and help nurture the developing fetus at a consistent supply, has supplemental forms that can be taken for 16 weeks to reduce another miscarriage. Outside of these supplements regular exercise, eating healthy, managing stress, and avoiding toxic substances like alcohol and smoking can also reduce miscarriage. I've come to understand as I am reading "A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth" by Deepak Chopra, M.D. that true great health for yourself and your baby derives from a balanced state of physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. It simply derives from you operating at a higher state of consciousness. When you are conscious and aware of these aspects of your life, you increase the possibility of a healthy pregnancy significantly! This is because mind and body are inseparably one! In fact, from the moment of conception, your unborn child experiences the thoughts and actions of you as a mother! Literally, the impulses in our minds are instantly translated into a palette of neurochemicals. These chemicals communicate with cells and tissues throughout our body and because this is so, due to the baby in the womb being a part of the mother's body; a mother's thoughts, emotions, and feelings translate into molecules that enter into the body of the fetus. Knowing this it is evident that the fear-based notion that you should hide your pregnancy, due to a subconscious thought that you may be prone to miscarriage before this 12-week finish line, could potentially be detrimental to true mental, emotional, and psychological health. It can refrain you from complete inner and outer peace. Try believing in yourself, in your baby, in your journey, in your lifestyle, in your habits, in your thoughts, and most importantly the higher power! Stand on faith that whatever situation you may encounter throughout pregnancy is truly for the betterment of your journey. It is meant for you to learn from!

"...if we shared our traumas with each other along with our healing tactics, we could help heal the world."

There is a true beauty to being vulnerable and realistic. It showcases to us the Truth. We don't experience only the highs in life, we experience a multitude of both lows and highs that allow us to value the moments we experience. "Realistically speaking life isn't always rainbows and butterflies" people say. Yet when you think about these analogies, I can see how life can actually reflect these examples! Rainbows are a wonderful example of radiating magnificent beauty after undergoing a storm. Butterflies are creatures that transform from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly! Regeneration, transformation, and splendor resulted from an immense amount of pressure when one analyzes these representations. This is how life is for us! We go through many obstacles, pain, and difficulties that shape us into resilient, strong, and beautiful beings. There is truly beauty in sharing our journeys and vulnerability instead of solely sharing the "good" side of ourselves resulting in the recycling of illusions in this world. The projection of perfection has harmed us more as a people than it has helped us. The reason we even go through our trials is not only to grow for ourselves, but to also be a potential vessel to someone who shares our pain. There would be no beauty to life if the ugly was kept hidden. It is very empowering to witness the rise of someone starting from the bottom and evolving to greatness vs. witnessing a standpoint of things always being given to someone without any effort. We all come from a story that has shaped us and transformed us in some sort of way. Pregnancy is one story that definitely changes us. I can only imagine how much pregnancies could've been saved or improved if more of us shared with each other our experiences during our early pregnancy. Especially if it is believed to be the toughest. Would we not want a team, some advice, some sort of inspiration throughout such a tough time? I believe we would because I would. Instead of analyzing people from a distance and being overly critical, it would be more rewarding for us to send positive energy, give good advice, and help others who may be in shoes similar to the ones we were once in. When you give abundantly to others, you receive more abundance. Help others out because you see ourselves in them, don't look at them with a filthy heart. Love is the highest vibration to radiate in our electromagnetic fields! Love is the most healing, powerful and energetic vibration there is. I am positive that simply sharing love could significantly help decrease negativity during our pregnancies. This is not only evident in loving others but loving ourselves as well. Showcasing illusions of only perfection limits our ability to evolve at a higher capacity and illustrates an image of solely loving ourselves when in this perceived state of "perfection". This heavily practiced habit limits information that could essentially be resourceful to a fellow sister. Our people hide so much trauma, but I am confident in knowing that if we shared our traumas with each other along with our healing tactics, we could help heal the world. The world would undoubtedly be made a better place if we genuinely expressed our authentic and true selves.
This is my first time being pregnant. It has already changed me in more ways than many may know. At only 5 weeks, the shifts I've had mentally, physically, psychologically has been so different! I am 9 weeks tomorrow and I feel so protective over my seed right now. I would be lying though if I said it was always this way. I used to try so many natural at home remedies to prevent pregnancy and to prevent having a baby because I thought I originally would wait a little longer within the time frame of my relationship and my age as well. I wanted to be very picky with how I did things. I thought I would wait till 27, have a huge savings and have much more assets than I currently do. Being in the position where Spirit is in control and seeing that despite my attempts to not be pregnant, I still was, I chose to trust in the higher power. It was super surreal seeing the pregnancy test results. I heard some doubts when it came to my personal position in life and actually going with having a child and almost considered not going through with it. I ended up deciding that regardless of what anyone else thought, deep within I made up my mind to keep the baby and do my best to preserve the divine seed in my womb. Where some may have thought it couldn't push me or motivate me to continue going after my goals and dreams, I made a decision that no matter what it takes, I will still accomplish everything I set out in life and that I would do it as a mother as well. This baby is so loved, this seed honestly motivates me and pushes me more than anything in life. I genuinely couldn't be more grateful! I have read much, studied much, researched much and I plan to share the knowledge I obtain throughout my personal and professional life, especially on this platform. You will want to keep checking out this website with all the goodies I have in store for our development as wombmen! You will be amazed!

"We enchant each life that we develop within our womb and this in turn effects the world we live in.."

Speaking of professional life, my business being what it is, is what ultimately inspired me to share my journey the most. Learning how the womb works, womb wellness healing, the beautiful and mysterious journey of producing and developing a baby, it ties perfectly with my platform. Key goals of The Wise Wombman are to help others know, love and heal themselves. When we do these things, we are able to bring wisdom into the lives of ourselves, our legacies as well as bring healing as we are practicing healing within ourselves. Staying on a path of healing while seeking wisdom gives way to so much alignment in life. It helps to activate our divinity by stepping fully into our divine power. The Wise Wombman is someone that operates in their function as a creator, healer, and mediator in tune with their higher divine self. She is in alignment with her soul's purpose and utilizes tools, resources, opportunities and services to expand her ability to ascend. Checking in on this platform provides you with wise choices for metaphysical needs. Metaphysics derives in the principles of the unseen and deals with primal principles such as abstract concepts in terms of being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. It is a resourceful avenue for a creator creating their own reality by enchanting their life through intentional thoughts, habits, and actions. This aspect of life is important all around when it comes to operating at your highest function. It is especially important when operating as a mother. We enchant each life that we develop within our womb and this in turn effects the world we live in. To be intentional and utilize as much information and tools necessary would produce fruitful results when it comes to how we can contribute to ourselves and our community. The Wise Wombman provides such tools through our digital products that helps to organize and upgrade your life before, during, and after pregnancy. These tools are also beneficial even if you have no plans of having children. To access these tools and get 10% off use the code IAMLOVED444 and it will be yours! I send much gratitude and abundance to you for witnessing my journey and adding onto the community in whatever way you are, whether as an observer, contributor, or supporter. I hope this article inspires you to be brave, bold, and resilient throughout whatever standpoint you're in right now in life. 
Sending much peace, love, and wholeness to you!
Written by creator and owner of The Wise Wombman, Klarissa Parker.

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